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Last but not least, the project can be seen as a metaphor for world tolerance. The artists succeed in articulating this idea by allowing everyone to profit from religious freedom. The mandate is to create a world where everybody's choice is respected, where people come together and express their diversity and individuality. The attribute of this argument is not only a moral one, but also a practical one; people are aware that society could stand the chance of collapsing when it's not sharing common values, such as respect and understanding. If people were given the freedom to choose their own religion without any prejudice, then civil chaos or political conflict would clearly weaken.

The audience's reactions to this project vary, and just as Lionello Borean stated, depending on everyone's social and cultural background, one can read it as a fun and entertaining piece, while others can see it as seriously disturbing or tremendously offensive. As far as the artist's aspiration, "If, when looking at the project, the viewer stops and thinks about the use and the abuse of religious morals...the aim is achieved. If the viewer has a smile, is double the achievement!"

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Site: http://www.plug-pray.org/